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走向世界的艺术大家——李金华 To the world of art——Jinhua Li

发布时间:2024-09-30 11:00:01来源:互联网


To the world of art——Jinhua Li



多年来,参加了全国各级类型的书画大赛。其书法作品《德行天下》《不忘初心 继续前进》《厚德载物》《天道酬勤》《气若幽兰》《龙》《寿》《道》《忍》《正气》《随缘》《合作共赢》《志当存高远》《弘毅》《天下归心》《自强不息》等几十幅作品在大赛中获奖,部分作品编入《民族艺术特刊》《中国艺术报》《美中时报》《企业家日报》《新时代新文艺》《新中国书画名家系列报导工程》《民族艺术共圆中国梦辉煌40年》《中国书画名家收藏年鉴》等书刊中。其中十二幅作品刊登在2018年9月份的《中国书画家报》上。六幅作品:《德行天下》《龙》《和为贵》》《养天地正气法古今完人》《上善若水》、《志当存高远》和中国书法家协会主席苏士澍、当代书画艺术界泰斗欧阳中石等艺术名家合编了由天津书画院编辑、九州出版社出版的大型书籍《艺海魂》。文化部、文联、中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会、等机构给予诸多的荣誉: “当代书画界新领军人物”、当代人民艺术家、“当代书画艺术创新典范人物”、“献礼两会书画界焦点人物”、“聚焦新时代书画大家”、“真迹艺术功勋人物”、 “新时代德艺双馨的艺术名家”、《中美时报》中国书画艺术形象大使、中国民族艺术书画领航者、中国梦书画艺术传承发展推动者、新文艺先锋等荣誉称号。其书法作品被中国网、中华网、凤凰网、新浪网、中国书画网、搜狐网、中国企业报道等数十家国家级新闻媒体专题报道。2017年10月31日参加中国艺术报社、中国企业文化促进会、企业家日报社、中企报盟信息科学研究院在中国文联举办的“庆祝十九大、不忘初心跟党走”优秀书画作品展。其中两幅作品《德行天下》《不忘初心继续前进》在展出过程中受到文联副主席赵实同志的赞誉。2017年11月份参加了由中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会在重庆悦来国际会展中心举办的书画展,作品《德行天下》在展会上被日本企业家收藏。2018年4月23日作为中国艺术家代表应邀在北京GBD公共外交文化交流中心参加了2018年中欧国际文化艺术交流展;并同俄罗斯、意大利、英国、比利时、西班牙驻华外交大使合影留念,作品《德行天下》被斯洛文尼亚驻华大使收藏。2018年7月30日在北京外交部外交文化交流中心参加了由文化部、外交部、中国邮政共同举办的“见证改革开放辉煌40年”中国书画创作交流展,作品《和为贵》被智利驻华大使收藏。2018年六月份在四川宜宾参加了由艺专委举办的大型书画展,作品《龙》被江苏宁波市企业收藏。2018年8月份两幅作品:《龙》《和为贵》在匈牙利展出,受到一带一路诸多国家的书画艺术家赞赏。2018年11月参加了由中国商务部在海南博鳌亚洲国际论坛会议中心举办的首届中国传统文化年度人物表彰大会,被评为中国当代书法十大风云人物,并颁发了《中国当代书法十大风云人物》荣誉证书,其作品:《厚德载物》《德厚业辉》《大美博鳌》等作品被大会收藏,并同文化部副部长潘震宙同志、统战部副部长、工商联副主席、商务部、中宣部等领导合影留念。其书画品受到参会的诸多领导的赞誉。2019年5月作品《上善若水》在中国民族文化宫展出,展会上受到当代书法艺术权威权希军老师的好评;2019年6月,作品《党恩如山》被中国国家博物馆收藏;2020年1月,有三幅作品被刊登在中央级大型刊物《神舟》正刊上。2020年1月底有六幅作品被编入《世界华人艺术家收藏年鉴》上。作品《养天地正气法古今完人》被中国邮政制成邮票发行, 2020年出版两本书法作品专辑:《当代人民艺术家》、《盛世中华传世名家》。2023年参加了全球奥林匹克艺术交流大会,担任“奥艺大会艺术交流大使”,颁发荣誉证书。两幅作品《追真求实、共迎盛世》、《亲诚惠容、合作共赢》在奥艺大会展厅展示,海内外媒体整体报到。

Jinhua  Li, character Suiyuan, Pingyuan County, Shandong Province, born in 1964, member of the Communist Party of China, senior middle school teacher, outstanding representative of Pingyuan County People's Congress, the first high-level talents in Dezhou City, excellent educators in Shandong Province, currently secretary of the Party branch of the Second Experimental Primary School in Pingyuan County, member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, senior calligrapher of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, national gift artist, National first-class artist, national senior calligrapher, visiting professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, special Professor of Confucius Art Museum, Vice Chairman of National Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee, Republic of Merit Artist, special art master of China Internet Alliance, Chinese contemporary calligrapher with the most collection value, merit artist, Chinese contemporary Boao calligraphy Ten influential figures. Deputy Secretary General of the New Literature and Art Group of Chinese Calligraphers and painters Association, Deputy director of the editorial Committee of Entrepreneur Daily Art Investment Weekly, Vice Chairman of the Board of Painting and Calligraphy Art Professional Committee of China Ethnic Architecture Research Association, senior calligrapher of China Cultural Information Association, Standing director of the Culture and Art Talent Committee of the Ministry of Culture, visiting researcher, member of the Chinese Coulian Society, Distinguished researcher and calligrapher of New Silk Road International Calligraphy and Painting Academy, member of Calligrapher Association of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

Li Jinhua has been fond of calligraphy since childhood and has learned facial style since childhood. He has been working for more than 30 years without interruption. In 2010, I was taught by the contemporary famous painting and calligraphy artist, the leading figure in the calligraphy and painting industry, and the literature and art leader of the founding of China.

Over the years, he has participated in national calligraphy and painting competitions at all levels. Its calligraphy works "virtue world", "do not forget the original heart to continue to move forward", "moral life", "Heaven rewards the diligent", "gas if you orchid", "Long", "Road", "patience", "Zhengqi", "Fate", "win-win cooperation", "Ambition when saving Gao Yuan", "Hongyi", "The world to the heart", "Self-improvement" and other dozens of works won awards in the competition, Some of his works have been compiled into the "National Art Special Issue", "China Art Daily", "China Times", "Enterprise Daily", "New Era New literature", "New China Painting and Calligraphy series Report Project", "National Art to achieve the brilliant 40 years of Chinese Dream", "Chinese painting and calligraphy collection Yearbook" and other books and periodicals. Twelve of the works were published in the September 2018 issue of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters. Six works: "Virtuous World", "Dragon", "Harmony is precious", "The Cultivation of Heaven and Earth and the Law of the ancient and modern perfect people", "On the Good like water", "When the spirit of high" and the chairman of the Chinese Calligrapher Association Su Shishu, contemporary calligraphy and painting art world leader Ouyang Zhongshi co-edited by Tianjin Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Kyushu Publishing House published a large book "Art Sea Soul". The Ministry of Culture, the Federation of Arts, the Painting and Calligraphy Art Professional Committee of China National Architecture Research Association, and other institutions have given many honors: "Contemporary calligraphy and painting industry new leader", contemporary people's artists, "Contemporary calligraphy and painting art innovation model", "Present the focus of the calligraphy and painting industry", "Focus on the new era of calligraphy and painting everyone", "Authentic art Merit figures", "A famous artist of the new era with both virtue and art", "Sino-US Times" Chinese painting and calligraphy art image ambassador, Chinese national art and calligraphy leader, Chinese Dream painting and calligraphy art inheritance and development promoter, new art and art pioneer and other honorary titles. His calligraphy works have been featured in dozens of national news media such as China.org.cn, Zhonghua.cn, Ifeng.com, Sina.com, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy network, Sohu.com, and China Enterprise Report. On October 31, 2017, he participated in the excellent painting and calligraphy exhibition of "Celebrating the 19th National Congress, not forgetting the original heart and following the Party" held by China Art Newspaper, China Enterprise Culture Promotion Association, Entrepreneur Daily and China Enterprise News Association Information Science Research Institute at the Chinese Federation of Arts and Culture. Two of the works "Moral World" and "Do not forget the original heart and continue to move forward" were praised by Comrade Zhao Shi, vice chairman of the Federation of Arts and Culture. In November 2017, he participated in the calligraphy and painting exhibition held by the painting and Calligraphy Art Professional Committee of China National Architecture Research Association in Chongqing Yuelai International Convention and Exhibition Center, and his work "Virtue World" was collected by Japanese entrepreneurs at the exhibition. On April 23, 2018, as a representative of Chinese artists, he was invited to participate in the 2018 China-Europe International Culture and Art Exchange Exhibition at GBD Public Diplomacy Cultural Exchange Center in Beijing. He took a group photo with the ambassadors of Russia, Italy, Britain, Belgium and Spain, and his work "Virtuous World" was collected by the Slovenian Ambassador to China. On July 30, 2018, he participated in the "Witness the Brilliant 40 Years of Reform and opening Up" Chinese painting and calligraphy creation exchange exhibition jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and China Post at the Diplomatic Cultural Exchange Center of the Foreign Ministry in Beijing. The work "Harmony is Precious" was collected by the Chilean Ambassador to China. In June 2018, he participated in the large-scale calligraphy and painting exhibition held by the Art Committee in Yibin, Sichuan Province, and his work "Dragon" was collected by enterprises in Ningbo, Jiangsu. In August 2018, two works, "Dragon" and "Peace is Precious", were exhibited in Hungary and were appreciated by painting and calligraphy artists from many countries along the Belt and Road. In November 2018, he participated in the first Annual Chinese Traditional Culture Person of the Year Recognition Conference held by the Ministry of Commerce of China at the Boao International Forum for Asia Conference Center in Hainan, was named as the Top Ten Influential figures of Chinese contemporary calligraphy, and awarded the honorary certificate of "Top Ten Influential Figures of Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy". His works: "Moral Content", "Dehou Yehui", "Da Mei Boao" and other works were collected by the conference, and took photos with Comrade Pan Zhenzhou, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department, Vice Chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce, the Central Propaganda Department and other leaders. His paintings and calligraphy were praised by many leaders attending the meeting. In May 2019, the work "Shangshan Like Water" was exhibited in the Cultural Palace of China Nationalities, and was praised by teacher Quan Xijun, the authority of contemporary calligraphy art. In June 2019, the work "Party Kindness As a Mountain" was collected by the National Museum of China; In January 2020, three works were published in the main issue of Shenzhou, a large-scale publication at the central level. At the end of January 2020, six works were compiled into the Yearbook of the World Chinese Artists Collection. His work "Nourishing Heaven and Earth and Righteous Qi Law" has been issued by China Post as a stamp, and two albums of calligraphy works will be published in 2020: "Contemporary People's Artist" and "Prosperous Chinese Legendary Master". In 2023, he participated in the Global Olympic Art Exchange Conference and served as the "Art Exchange Ambassador of Aoyi Conference" and awarded an honorary certificate. Two works "Pursuing truth, Embracing Prosperity together" and "Amity, Sincerity, Mutual Benefit and Win-win Cooperation" were displayed in the exhibition hall of Aoyi Conference, and the media at home and abroad reported as a whole.


Appreciation of works






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