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走向世界的艺术大家——童和生 To the world of art——Hesheng Tong

发布时间:2024-09-27 11:24:02来源:互联网


To the world of art——Hesheng Tong


童和生浙江浦江出生于1962年,著名书法家,现为中国书法家协会会员,国家一级书法家。 自幼喜爱书法,年幼时总是用石块和木棍在地上练习,在小学四年级时就已经开始为乡亲们写春联,是艺术成长路上不可缺少的一段经历,经过坚持多年临池不缀,遍习二王、柳、颜、欧、赵诸家精品,并先后受北京欧阳中石、田英章、王学仲等大师指导,为之后艺术的发展之路打开了大门。现如今作品能融各家之长,楷、行、隶、篆、草五体皆能,尤以行书见长。其楷书疏朗爽健,行书收放有度,隶书古朴大方,水篆俊秀有力、草书妍美多姿。擅长观察、思考、提炼、升华,主张“艺术源于生活”,不断从平凡的生活中发现、挖掘素材,并获取创作灵感。作品深受人们的喜爱,先后多次获奖并被收藏。







2008 年入编《海内外中国当代书画名家作品集》。









2015年10月其创作的书法作品毛主席《沁园春 雪》,被中国书画艺术收藏网永久收藏。

2017年捐赠书法作品毛主席《沁园春 雪》被大关县文化馆收藏为馆藏作品并颁发收藏证书。














2021年9月传世艺术家网授予您“中华艺术人物” 荣誉称号,并颁发证书,证书编号ZH-1131。

2021年12月书法作品《颂党恩》,在参加庆祝中国共产党成立100周年“不忘初心 永跟党走”全国诗书画展活动中荣获二等奖。







Tong Hesheng Zhejiang Pujiang, born in 1962, is a famous calligrapher. He is now a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and a national first-class calligrapher. Love calligraphy since childhood, always with stones and sticks on the ground practice, in the fourth grade of primary school has begun to write spring couplets for the villagers, is an indispensable experience on the road to artistic growth, after years of perseverance, the two Wang, Liu, Yan, Ou, Zhao family boutique, and has been under the guidance of Beijing Ouyang Zhongshi, Tian Yingzhang, Wang Xuezhong and other masters, It opened the door for the development of art. Nowadays, works can integrate the strengths of each family, including Kai, line, Li, seal and grass, especially in line. The regular script is sparse and clean, the running script has a degree, the official script is simple and generous, the water seal is beautiful and powerful, and the cursive script is beautiful and colorful. He is good at observation, thinking, refining and sublimation, advocating that "art comes from life", constantly discovering and mining materials from ordinary life, and obtaining creative inspiration. His works are deeply loved by people, and have won many awards and been collected.

Artistic achievements:

In 2006, he was appointed director of Beijing Calligraphy and Painting Academy.

2006 Visiting professor of Chinese Talent Painting and Calligraphy Training Center.

In 2007, he served as the vice president of Zhejiang Branch of Chinese Poetry and Wine Culture Association.

In 2007, his works were selected for the 20th Sankei International Calligraphy Exhibition in Japan and won the Excellence Award.

He was named Outstanding Artist of the Republic in 2007.

In 2008, he was included in the Collection of works of Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy masters at home and abroad.

In 2009, the exhibition "Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China" won the second prize.

In 2010, the exhibition "New China Comes from Here" won the gold medal.

In 2011, the exhibition "100 Brilliant Achievements in Chinese Contemporary painting and Calligraphy Exhibition" won the gold medal.

In 2011, he was awarded the honorary title of "the most ingenious Artist" by the Chinese Art Evaluation Center.

In 2012, he was awarded the honorary title of "One Hundred Chinese painting and Calligraphy inheritance Artists".

In January 2013, he participated in the large-scale painting and painting exhibition of "Ode to Qilu -- Love is related to Beijing" and awarded the certificate of honor.

In 2017, he won the first prize of CNTV National Talent Contest.

In November 2017, Tong Hesheng established the Zhejiang Branch of Zhongyiming (Beijing) Painting and Calligraphy Academy and served as the president of the branch.

In 2017, he established Zhejiang branch of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Collection Network and served as the chairman of the branch.

In 2017, Beijing Wendetang Calligraphy and Painting Academy established a branch in Zhejiang Province and served as the president of v Zhejiang Branch.

In 2018, it was awarded the honorary title of "2018 Art Proud Person of the Year" by Henan Hundred Thousand Culture and Art Center.

On June 16, 2018, we were specially invited to participate in the "Walking with the World" International friendly cultural exchange calligraphy and painting group exhibition and was collected.

In 2018, the collection certificate of Honor was issued by the Organizing Committee of "Walking with the World" International Friendly Cultural Exchange Calligraphy and Painting by the Embassy of Samoa in China.

In September 2018, he won the grand prize in the first generation Artist Network selection activity and was awarded the honorary title of "Generation Artist".

In 2018, the 43rd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Samoa was celebrated, and its calligraphy and painting works were collected as classic works of inheriting traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting art.

In September 2019, the National calligraphy and painting Master database was assessed and recognized, and the certificate of Chinese Outstanding Calligrapher and Painter was awarded the title of "China Outstanding Artist", and the certificate number is IS9002-S-0266.

In October 2019, he was awarded the honorary title of "National Annual Art Model" by the selection committee of "People's Art".

In 2020, in order to celebrate the 71st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Slovakia, his calligraphy and painting works were invited to participate in the "Calligraphy and Painting Golden Autumn 2020 International Friendly Cultural Exchange Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition", and the "Calligraphy and painting Golden Autumn" calligraphy and painting exhibition committee issued a collection certificate of honor.

In June 2021, his works participated in the "Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China" and was awarded the honorary title of "Excellence Award" for culture and art by the Culture and Art Professional Committee of the Science and Education Culture and Tea Culture Research Society of China Science and Education Cultural Association.

In September 2021, the Legacy Artist Network awarded you the honorary title of "Chinese Art Figure" and issued a certificate, certificate number ZH-1131.

In December 2021, the calligraphy work "Ode to Party Kindness" won the second prize in the national poetry and Book exhibition of "Never forget the original heart and always follow the Party" to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

In the "Beijing Wendetang Calligraphy and Painting Academy 2020 Yunnan Kunming Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" in 2021, your calligraphy works will be rated as the best outstanding works and awarded a certificate of honor.

In 2021, according to the evaluation and appraisal standards, the Chinese Art Evaluation Committee will evaluate the appraisal value of artworks: calligraphy works, the average market price is 15,000 yuan/square foot.

In 2021, by the People's Republic of China Professional Art Qualification Evaluation Committee Calligraphy and Painting Art Master Data Center Evaluation Committee assessed him as a national first-class calligrapher.

In 2022, his works were selected for CCTV's "Great Country People" and published.

In 2022, his works were selected to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In 2022, he was awarded the honorary title of "2022 China Winter Olympics Art Image Ambassador".


Appreciation of works






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